Seven Layer Bars

I’ve come to enjoy this versatile recipe so much that I don’t need to look at it anymore! These cookies not only taste amazing, but they require little measuring, and you make them right in the pan! Rather than measure the coconut, chips, and peanuts, I usually sprinkle on enough to nearly cover the previous layer. For variety, you can also switch out the flavors of chips you use.

1 sleeve graham crackers (8 or 9 crackers)
1 stick butter
1 cup (or more) coconut
1 cup (or more) chocolate chips
1 cup (or more) butterscotch chips
1 cup (or more) dry roasted peanuts
1 cup miniature candy-coated chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk

Crush the graham crackers in the unopened sleeve by first breaking them with your fingers and then gently crushing them with a rolling pin. Meanwhile, spray a 9”x13” pan, cut the butter into chunks in the pan, and put the pan in the oven while it preheats to 350º.

When the butter is melted, remove pan from oven and place on a heat-safe surface. Sprinkle the crushed graham crackers over the butter, forming the “crust” on the bottom. Then sprinkle on the coconut, the chips, the peanuts, and the coated chips in layers and press down slightly. Slowly pour the sweetened condensed milk over the entire top of the pan, using a metal spatula to help spread it around. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the edges and most of the top is bubbling. Cool in the pan. Makes 3-4 dozen, depending on how you cut them. These freeze well.

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